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Amoeba Performance Projects.


Theatre Amoeba has been involved in a variety of creative projects throughout the planet. Read more about our selected performances and projects.

Shh We Have a Plan

Shh We Have a Plan

In association with Theatre Amoeba produced by Fondazione Sipario Toscana onlus- La Città del Teatro. (2018,2019 Cascina, Italy)



Treteau: English through Theatre:"A Novel is Eight Minutes". As we use a stage the size of a door we learn about how to chose our words and movements carefully and playfully. This tiny stage size serves to heighten spatial and ensemble awareness and is quiet magical!

Meetings (Ci Piacciamo)

Meetings (Ci Piacciamo)

The Larval Masks hit the Streets with hopes to bring about more LGBTQI awareness. Pop up Performances on the theme of Meetings and a revival of the children's book "Ci Piacciamo" (We Like Ourselves) adaptation.

APAC Theatre Festival

APAC Theatre Festival

Theatre Amoeba presents three days of workshops leading to a performance as a part of The Asia Pacific Activities Conference. APAC is an arts program for international schools in the Asia-Pacific area founded in 1995.

Jikji (직지)

Jikji (직지)

This true story takes place not long after the Korean War in 1955 when Dr.Park (박병선) first flew to Paris. “If you want to hunt a tiger you must enter its cave first,” Secretly looking for cultural relics that had been stolen from Korea during the 1866 Attack on Gangwando Island known as the병인양요 she discovers the Jikji 직지.

Old but New

Old but New

Larval Mask performance at the Opening Ceremony of The Cheongju International Craft Biennale in Cheongju, Korea 2013.

Movement in Morocco

Movement in Morocco

A month long tour in Morocco of "Rooftops". Amoeba had an artistic residency in Errachadia followed by Performnaces in Errachadia, Fez and Chefchauen. Including a performance in The Theatrical Days of Chefchauen Theatre Festival.

Page to Stage, Florence, Italy

Page to Stage, Florence, Italy

Imaginative tales created with Theatre Amoeba in Florence Italy. Over the course of one week workshop participants were introduced to movement theatre and devised and created their own fractured versions of famous tales.

A Midsummer Night's Dream

A Midsummer Night's Dream

After a month long intensive workshop. Students at Seoul National University of Technology performed an adapted version of Shakespeare's classic.



Have you ever been some where in the middle of no where. Five characters from five different parts of the world find themselves on a rooftop surrounded by water. A tragicomic and surreal exploration at how people deal with grief and overcome apathy.

Whole Play on a Door.

Whole Play on a Door.

Theatre Arts Majors present thier plays inspired by the improvisation of Commedia dell’Arte. Five short plays on a tréteau, a small platform about the size of a door which condenses action and creates a dynamic 3D visual style.

Sacré Silence

Sacré Silence

A collaborative piece with Compagnie 4 BIs in Paris France. Sacre Silence was based ona children's story by Phillippe Dorin. A physical play with sound, movement which asks the question... what is silence?

Mimpi Indah (Sweet Dreams)

Mimpi Indah (Sweet Dreams)

The story of a girl who cannot sleep. Her insomnia transports her through many different tumultuous worlds until she encounters an ugly witch who rescues her. Photo: Invited performnce by Save the Children, Aceh, Indonesia 2005.

We Like Ourselves

We Like Ourselves

An all ages production focusing on an inclusive representation of sexual and gender diversity. A old woman spends the day at her flower shop and through her imagination we see that everyone loves flowers. This physical performance uses objects and acrobatics and is accompanied with live music composed by Anne Guzzo. Poster: Bologna, Italy- Premiered at “The Made in Women Festival” 2011

Journey through Oz

Journey through Oz

Theatre Amoeba has adapted the classic Wizard of Oz to a cast of Eight. Schools, theatres and even an home for the aging have performed "Journey through Oz" which premiered at "Seoul National University" in 2002 and has been performed in Australia, Namibia, Canada, England, India, the USA among other corners of the universe.

Amoeba in Colombia

Amoeba in Colombia

A production of the imaginative tales created with Theatre Amoeba in Manizales Colombia in 2012. Students were directed in physical productions that combined movement with learning English through theatre.


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