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Movement Analysis and Body Awareness

Movement Analysis and Body Awareness

The Mask of Potential

The Mask of Potential

The Poetic Body

The Poetic Body

The Red Nose

The Red Nose

What you don't play will play you!

When: Wednesday July 23
Fee: Students and Invited guests only.
Time: 10:00-5:00
Space: Globe University, Madison Wisconsin.
More Information: Would you like an invitation to attend?

We are all different. We are all the same.

The Neutral mask is a tool to explore what is universal in all of us and assists in developing awareness of one’s body and personal habits.


Do you find that as an actor you consistently play the same types of characters? As a teacher are your students responding the same way- no matter how much you think  you are changing a lesson? What are the parts we are playing in our every day lives? It is essential to develop an awareness of the natural "drama" that is present in our bodies.


The neutral mask assists us in getting to know our body though theatrical play and movement and develop an awareness of our own personal dramas and impressions and folds in our body. As the wise Albert Einstein declared, "Play is the highest form of research."












Awareness: The Neutral Mask meets the architecture of my body. What stories am I telling?


Play: My body and my clown versus the universal body of neutrality.

What to wear? Neutral black clothing (label and stripe free) suitable for movement. not too loose or you will hide your amazing stories. We will work barefoot.


The workshop will be led by Denise Rinehart (click for more info) who is the Artistic Director of Theare Amoeba and presently teaches movement at Cheongju University and directs various artistic projects in South Korea and throughout the planet.

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